How Does Cleaning Your Ears Feel So Good

I dont recommend ANYONE use Q-tips to clean their earstheyre much more likely to push wax in.
How does cleaning your ears feel so good. If you do get a build up of ear wax thats causing you problems visit your GP to have it removed. Try putting a drop or 2 of peroxide in your ears sometime before using a qtip. The ear has its own internal cleaning mechanism.
If you get pain or discharge put a mixture of hydrocortisone and neosporin on the swab for a few days. But its important To know that its unsafe to put anything inside your ears. Since our brain recognizes touch the sensation we feel whenever we clean our ears is practically a good thing at times.
Just limit it to the outer area. It simply feels good to swab the sensitive nerve endings that line your. Also I usually do it as soon as I exit the shower because the steam and hot water will have loosened the wax for easier.
The main reason why we feel good in cleaning our ears with Q-tips is that there are nerves on the ear canal that is directly linked to our internal organs. The cleaning solution will help remove any water in the ear which is good because water that can cause a dog to develop an ear infection. It does just what the name saysit gently catches and pulls out the excess wax in the ears Is it that much better than Q-tips I asked.
It may feel good to swirl a cotton bud inside your ear from time to time but you should nip that habit in the bud Your ears are self-cleaning and wax is vital for the safety of your ear canal. I have been cleaning my ears for 20 years every day and I am a professional musician so I rely on my ears as a tool I have had no problems to date. Dennis Fitzgerald a Washington otolaryngologist says that the cotton buds can actually push wax in causing problems with your ear drums.
It feels great and helps loosen up anything caked in there. The ball head is for ear massage. Otolaryngologist Dennis Fitzgerald explains why it feels so good and why its so bad.